Moped is about the marketer inside us all, borne out of our relentless desire to be connected and inspired whilst in the ‘Bay’. Our purpose is lofty ...

‘To connect, share and support marketers in the Bay to learn, broaden and grow marketing competency, expertise, leadership and network within a professional environment/organisation’

Quite simply we help create the space and occasion for you to be inspired and motivated through sharing the personal stories, case studies and learnings of awesome people who have been and are doing their ‘marketing thing’ in different ways and industries around NZ and the world. Come join us!

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Carolyn Schofield - ex Trustpower Head of Brand

Carolyn Schofield - ex Trustpower Head of Brand

Carolyn is a brand and creative strategist with over 20 years' brand and marketing experience

WHEN: Wednesday 31 July 5-7pm
WHERE: BNZ Business Partner Centre, 639 Cameron Road

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